Some things mentioned in the video:
- If you ever have any trouble, be sure you are opening the printable in Adobe Reader. It’s free and you can get it here. Video shows how I open in Reader.
- You can use regular copy paper to print, but if you want higher quality with less bleed through, I recommend using at least 32 lb bright white paper like this. I use it in my Inkjet.
- Every printer is different, so I can’t tell you exactly how to place your pages into your printer for front to back printing. You will need experiment with that for yourself. However, here is my trick for making that easier. Many printers will also do automatic double sided printing.
- Each monitor and printer is slightly different, so colors may not appear exactly how they appear on your screen.
- This is the printer that I have and love.
- If you are printing smaller sized pages, cut your paper to size first. I keep each size already cut by my printer.
All About Printing Affordably in Full Color:
I use HP Instant Ink to print very affordably (as in an entire yearly planner for less than $5) in full color. I love it!
You need an HP printer (that can connect to the internet). Once you have that, you can sign up for the Instant Ink program. They automatically monitor your ink status and mail you new ink before you need it. They also provide postage paid envelopes for you to return used ink cartridges for recycling. You pay a monthly fee based on how many prints you need. The highest level is 300 prints for $9.99 per month, which comes out to just 3 cents per full color page! It doesn’t matter whether you print a full page colorful photo or a simple black and white page of text. It’s super simple – just the same cost per page period. They have plans starting as low as $2.99 per month if you don’t do a ton of printing. I love how straightforward it is, and that there are no guessing games about how much printing will cost you. Also, you can roll over unused prints to the next month, so you don’t have to waste your unused prints. And if you go over, you can get additional prints for the same price per print. No need to cringe when you want to print something like this:
Shortly after finding out about HP Instant Ink, I got an HP Envy printer. Then I went to the HP Instant Ink website and signed up. It was quick and easy. They mailed me new cartridges right away (meanwhile there was plenty of ink in the starter cartridges that came with the printer). As soon as I installed those cartridges, my plan began.
I’ve used it for a while now, and everything is working great. The printer works really well (much more reliable than my previous more expensive printer). It prints fantastic photos (you wouldn’t know that they didn’t come from a photo lab) and great full color pages on premium thicker weight paper. I haven’t had paper feeding issues even with thick paper. It does do automatic two sided printing as well.
Here’s a blog post that talks all about how I use HP Instant Ink.
Some links used in this post are affiliate links. I only share products that I know and love. Thanks so much for supporting my blog. It means so much to me.